Monday, July 27, 2009

As of this moment.

6.38 p.m.,I've been staring this empty page for 30 mins and yet I'm wordless.Rain has got its way back to Melaka,but somehow it doesn't bring the happiness back to me,neither facial or deep down inside me.I've been wondering why is it I'm having such a feeling--getting worried about everything that happens around me,my monies problem,my future,and some other particular thing.

Looking back,it's funny that how I wanted to get old enough and now after I'm old enough I hope that time can move back to the days that I was little.Always wanting something that you don't have--This explains pretty much of me,or perhaps the entire human race.

Having all said and done,this leads to the last route available,keep my fingers crossed and pray that everything will fall into place itself.Optimism,how I wish that you will just flow into me,like you always did back then.

Signing off,7.02p.m.

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