Wednesday, July 29, 2009


29th July.

I'm officially the only youngster hanging around in my beloved home town,The Path of the Elephant or a.k.a Alor Gajah after my 10 over years friends left me,one on May and another on today.

Having all of them gone,I won't wake up like I do last few months,texting them for brunch together,I won't be going to uncle's place so often and find friends in his shop to talk,or maybe go Tampin together for a piece of cake and ice water.

I,adapt,get used to it.these are the words I need to make a sentence with and hopefully it'll work well,for a month at least,not for long.

Enough of how I feel,I figured I shall update this post with a picture.A picture that proves Proton car is very very widely available in Malaysia and I bring you our SMAi's Proton Wira Owners Club.

Me,Shien Chong,Boon Kent's Wiras.Somehow,there're more among us that drives a Wira.

Haha,that's the end of the post.

Signing Out.=)

Monday, July 27, 2009

As of this moment.

6.38 p.m.,I've been staring this empty page for 30 mins and yet I'm wordless.Rain has got its way back to Melaka,but somehow it doesn't bring the happiness back to me,neither facial or deep down inside me.I've been wondering why is it I'm having such a feeling--getting worried about everything that happens around me,my monies problem,my future,and some other particular thing.

Looking back,it's funny that how I wanted to get old enough and now after I'm old enough I hope that time can move back to the days that I was little.Always wanting something that you don't have--This explains pretty much of me,or perhaps the entire human race.

Having all said and done,this leads to the last route available,keep my fingers crossed and pray that everything will fall into place itself.Optimism,how I wish that you will just flow into me,like you always did back then.

Signing off,7.02p.m.

Friday, July 10, 2009


Just to keep my blog fresh and updated,I've come out with some picture posting around me,inspired by my biggggg bulky HDD which I found all of my pics are there.


Starting with cars..

The Event,BMW 5er Drive 07.

Spot me?

Whose poor little car was that??><


Next,My stuffs...

All black..

The first launching event I went for,12 hours of waiting.

Anticipating to get my hands on the new T77.

Final product.


Spot the difference between this and 'conventional' christmas tree??

That's just some bit of things happened around me on 2008,more exciting updates will be coming soon,so keep your breath.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Another week.

Another week has fly by me,yet I'm still doing the same thing every day.Define same thing?Here's the daily time table for me.

12pm-A new day starts here,where usually someone will call me at this moment.Yeah,every day at this time,someone will sure ring me up for something.

1pm-After poopoo+reading newspapers,grooming myself for the day,I leave for my brunch.

2pm-Back at home,get in touch with the world of internet.

6pm-Finally stopped doing things in front of computer,head to my bed for a short nap.

8pm-Wake up,bathe and go for dinner.

10pm-Back at home,online again until i fall asleep.

So,that's how I do every day,pretty shitty eh?Even now,I've lost touch on how to blog about myself,thanks to the same routine every day.Anyone has got any suggestion on what to do every day EXCEPT finding a job??Yeah,I don't want to work,I just want to max out the usage of my time for something good.

Alright,signing off now.Cheers!

Monday, July 06, 2009


Life is about everything you do every day.When there's nothing for you to do,it'll just lead to one--Boredom,of which it's something embedded deep down to my heart.Believe me,when you got down to that road,you're doomed,for real!

Alright,since I've nothing much to share,the next video is for you to spend your remaining 4 minutes.And trust me,it's worth the time.

Thursday, July 02, 2009


Finally,I've got down to the road where I find myself making decision for the last time about my future,of course just the place where I want to spend the next 9 months--University.SEGi,is what I've come up with after lots of calculations and consideration,0f which I could slash off Rm9k of the fees without giving much up to the things I'll be getting back from it.

Here's what I've done to myself on last Sunday.

Got myself a rebate sumed up at Rm1k,of which 500 of it is early bird and another 500 is review day reg.

Got a brief campus tour.And it came to me SEGi is something like middle of the desert,without green surrounding.Anyway,I couldn't say that the saving of the Rm9k is something equally fair as you won't expect the facilities of some other 'high-end' campus such as very well equiped gyms and millions of books avai. in the library.Hopefully the strive I'll be doing in the next 9 months will make me a UK 2nd year standard ready geek.

Nevertheless,I shall drool/disappoint you will a few images I found.

Click me