Sunday, September 20, 2009


It all started when,DUH i opened my eyes,only to found that it's already 1p.m..Yeah,yesterday night's tea session marathon with cousin brought effect to this.To find myself in this situation,no time wastage could be compromised so there i rush,to the WC,to the basin and to the food on the table.Then,something in reality struck me--Mid-terms,and i proceed to the notes,Organizational Behaviour.Only to be found,it's significantly hard for me to understand its alien accent.Hence,I figured only way to sort things out are by releasing stress and so I resorted to the front of my lappie,and there I spent,from noon till now.Having the same routine checked,again I found my life full of plans,to list out a few.

1.Escape trip after mid-term--Probably somewhere near K.L. as it'll be done in one day,looking at Kuala Selangor to see the shining creature(insert the name).So,nominees needed,probably 3 others to join me in this nice yet environmental close-up trip.

2.A new gadget to behold--Speaking of which,it's been quite a while I have no new gadgets to add in to my current collection.As a result,I'm up now,hunting for a new one to my family.Choices??Either N97,Xpertia X1,Xpertia X2,iPhone 3gs 16 gigs,iPod Touch 64gigs,Dell 10v Netbook.Gosh~~Help!!

3.A MountainBike Competition--Held by Malaccans,so might as well support and have fun lo.

As till the end of October,here are the 3 most important plans I need to get it done.Wish me luck eh.


florence said...

haha..dont worry goh. ur plans will be done. pray for that..^^

GeniusBanana said...

hoho..thanks flo..wanna join me for the fireflies watch???XD

florence said...

upss.>!! really? when and where? is that possible for me to join? huhu..!
btw goh, i'm also looking for iPhone 3gs 16 gigs. erm..waiting for sure. coz australia has mobile plan for 2 years and the mobile is for free. but has different plans for different mobiles, include iphone 3gs. and the plan for it is $79 per month (abit expensive).and i'm using the other mobile which the plan is $29 per month and the contract will over 1 and a half years later..i cant change my mobile till my contract is over..huhu!

but i have a tricky idea, i will unlock my phone bfore going back to indo and will sell it. and i will report that my phone is stolen. ihihihihi...! ^^
but of coz still same, i cant break the contract i still have to pay for $29 till it is over. but they will give me 1/2 price from $29 which is $14.5 per month. hehe.

so, if i'm taking the plan for iphone 3gs, i have to pay $79+$14.5=$93.5 per month.huhu..
have to save money everyweek..++"

GeniusBanana said...'s around 80km north from kl..hmm,but if the end of the year your main motto is to shop then i guess it'll not be a wise idea to do so..maybe next trip??and i was hoping for the june's..XD start saving money for it!!!anyways,what phone are you using currently??aw i remembered optus has a plan that says $59 monthly??and anyway,study for your final first..leave all of these later la..><