Friday, November 27, 2009

Aftermath case#2

Yup, that’s right. It’s the 2nd encounter after my finals, right after I’m back from K.L, and straight the next day, some south travelling to do, over the little sea—Singapore. Yes I know, it’s not something special to brag about, but it was the event, the one lovely event that went on that makes it special. Nonetheless, it was incredibly fun to be there, get connected with the rest of the relatives, a.k.a my FAMILY!!! Mahjong games, chit-chats, Holy Matrimony, faces of long-time-forgotten-how-they-look cousins, driving almost 300 miles to send mum home and go back out to Singapore in a day, talking to some anonymous camera-crazy uncles in Singapore Botanic Garden, ‘P.I.E-C.T.E-S.L.E’s car rides and shopping later, I figured out having a week spent in Singapore was great, at least I’ve learned something new—lectures about live, life and many more. Gratitude. 1 word says it all, to all the elders that taught me something new.

Having all this said, I shall proceed now, to some thousand-words-worth photos I took with me.

Christmas 09 at Orchard.

Singapore Botanic Garden.

Uncles that I talked to,and got poison from.Both are professionals with >$5000 worth of camera rig.

Tada!!!This is what my T77 is capable of,only.

Always keep it as green as possible,roads in Singapore.

Sucks to be in Singapore,everything goes by the law,literally.Wheel cramp in Singapore is a new level,not just 1 pay release wheel.It's SGD$107 for every piece of paper they clip on your windscreen,do the math.

Changi Airport Terminal 3.Nice,but still KLIA pawns.XD

Guess how much is this nice plate of rice?






That's about it for now,hold your breath for my #3-Penang reports.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hold on tight guys,hold on tight!!!

Well,it's been a while since I got back to Melaka from Penang and Singapore yet I don't have time to write out my encounters due to the vacation in Melaka itself.Yeah you got me right,I'm going around places with nice food in the place I was born and lived for the pass 19 years.So just buckle up before I trash you some nice write-outs and photos I took.

Signing out from McD 0112hr 19th Nov.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Aftermath case#1

It's been a while,since I got over with finals.To even start off,one particular sports activity took place before my last subject--MTB jumboree.

Before I go deeper,I shall explain what's MTB jumboree.Here you go,It's a Mountain Bike event where winning is defined by completion of the track of the route,which in this case it is 45 km.Yeah,it's kinda long but heck I enjoyed every centimeters of it.

Make things great,the community that entered the jumboree are very kind and helpful.To mark my words,some of the guys actually stopped to check on some guys that have problem beside the road to see they're ok with their bike or themselves,even they don't know who's who,now that's what MTB spirit's about.

Riding along the course myself,I learned something,something that have to do with UpHills and DownHills,or what people often say Peaks and Valleys.Often I encounter,after some difficult UpHills,some relaxing nice DownHills will be next or vice versa.Somehow,this reflects on the path we all take in our lives,whenever we strive through the difficult UpHills,sure the sweet DownHills of our lives will give us that little extra reward.And going DownHills ourselves,we must always be prepared,to face the difficulties that often leads to the next Uphills.

Nevertheless,I myself managed to complete the track,45km of it,3.5 hours later with a pair of exhausted legs,a dirty bike and a medal in hand.Priceless!!!

The track!!!

The 2 trail-babies on the task.

The crowd,800+ dudes in it!!!

3.5 hours later,dirty Lil' Banana.

Dirty shoes,dirty bike.

What's it worth,a medal and a dirty bike.

Oh ya,to end up this post,I end up in the race in 327th place.XD

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Escaping from drowning in the sea of words, I resorted to here, my little hide-out cave which serves the same basis, writing. Why am I so afraid of writing? Simple, Tutorials. As it turns out that I've 3 more left, but altogether 12, which means I've been writing 2 pages of it*7=14 pages full of words. Gosh, didn't know such a sub will be so fun yet torturing. 

What I'm doing now, to a certain extent I believe you would probably know, laying the groundwork for my studies, which is resorting to a valuation--Finals. Yeah, what the heck, Just Do It and Do It Well.Bah~~~I shall swim back to the sea of words already. Before doing that, I shall shine what's on my study desk now.


Top:As you can see,Organizational Behavior Reference books,2 of them.

Middle:Lonely Planet Malaysia,Singapore,Brunei.After finishing 2 of the bulky ones on top, this will be very helpful to me,to plan how my following weeks after final will be,Singapore and Penang,I'm coming!!!

Life Coaching For Dummies--This shall be completed before my new year come, to help reorganize myself for the new year ahead.

Bottom,My Mountain Biking UK magazines,the reason I kept below is to motivate me to finish the books on top FIRST, before reading them.

Yup,that's about it for now.So long~~

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Since I still haven't really got time to figure out how's my life's like for the past 3 weeks,here are some photos I took not long ago,and it's my hometown--Melaka.

Ok.That's about it.More coming soon..

Friday, September 25, 2009


Bleh,it marked another day when I decided to step foot into my current Uni for another day's lecture,thanks to the utterly brilliant arrangements and holiday scheme,I've got a day of class after 2 days of Raya holiday.Since I was unsure about what will be the mid-terms like,I decided it won't be wise to skip the class hence I appeared to be in the class,although I was late for like 45 minutes.(due to overslept until 7.30a.m)It was surprising as well,as the lecturer was away for a remote control hunt and I didn't get any attention when I joined the class.It was still the same 'interesting' lecture and 2 tutorials later,it came to an end!!Since OB's lecturer was on Raya break till the next week,it was just made compulsory for us to sign the attendance list and a tick later,I was out of there.Linger linger linger,found out that the school's really hard to go around as the >30° slope was really like hiking.

Nevertheless,soon enough I made an escape and begin the real deal,shop for cousin's bicycle helmet and also finding one of my dearest friend to mum mum+talk.Fun fact here,T.T.D.I. means Taman Tun Dr Ismail.Why the sudden addition of fun fact??I made a very funny detour to there,when I actually didn't know it meant that.Imagine this,Point A is just a right turn away and You spent a way round to enter from behind.Yeah,I was like why on earth this route seemed like the one I just went through.Haha...

Next,there I went to Cova,opposite to the famous SEGi to ferry my friend,and went to 1Utama for some window shopping.Windows later,I found myself deeply in love(Love at first sight to be exact)on a particular wallet.Yeah,God knows how long have I been searching for the right one.And voila,it just appeared in front of me and after bursting in tears of joy,I took the bait,burning my red-hot-just-withrawed-cash to get it.

Here's the thing.


Inside of it.

Haha,to be honest,this is the 1st time my dad compliment about the stuff I bought,rather than the usual scolding type.He actually said this particular wallet is very unique and it's compartment are well designed.OMG,dad's changing already.

Well,back to what I was sharing,after getting the wallet,my friend suggested ice-skating.Since I was thrilled by acquiring what I've been wanting all the time,I nodded to my friend's suggestion and go for it.Yeah,although I haven't been skating for like a million years.

rm21(Entrance)+rm8(Glove)+rm2(Locker),all set!!!Getting ourselves done,we hit the ice!!!It felt weird at first,and yeah,the very friend of mine never skate before hence it was like 5 times of total to touch the ground,2 of which including pulling me together.(True friendship,I fall,you also fall)And in a blink,I figured out it's really nice skating in a rink as people tend to communicate although they don't know each other.Why??They'll shout at you to move away and if you fail to do so,be prepared to be human bowling cones--Strike!!!Besides,it was like everyone's helping the others to get up after falling down and I found that's relative nice of us.(I HELPED LOTS OF PEOPLE TO GET UP FROM FALLING)Oops,I accidentally bold the point.Oh yeah,it was really fun skating!!!

The Rink,Before.

The Rink,After.

The Gears.

Yeap..After a few donuts we bid farewell and I thundered back to Melaka and that's the end.=)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Some say life is about living the best out of you and let no regrets,some say life sucks.Here's one article about a guy that looked back.

Pak Rashid is still looking for an identity


He now shares a small two-bedroom house with Wahab, and "Koriang" -- a mother cat -- with her three kittens called Tompok, Merah, and Chomot.

The kittens are surrogates to the children that Salleh will probably never have.

"Even though we made a hole in the wall for them to go out and answer the call of nature, the kittens aren't so toilet-trained at all.

"There are times when I come home and the living room is a real mess.

"If I'm really tired, I just go into my room, shut the door and leave them to do whatever they like," said Salleh.

The two brothers just live for the day, earning between RM20 and RM30 a day from repairing shoes which they use to buy food.

And, although Salleh is qualified for welfare assistance, he said he won't ask for it because he felt that he could still manage for now.

He has two more younger brothers -- Ahmad and Zulkifli -- who live in Baling, Kedah, and a younger sister Fatimah, who lives in Muadzam, 4km from Changkat Jering. Between those three, Salleh is an uncle 13 times over.

"I haven't decided yet whether to spend Hari Raya Aidilfitri in Baling this year. Our motorcycle was stolen recently.

"Having been a robber myself, I'm not surprised. Thieving is a normal thing in this world, isn't it? God is probably paying me back for my sins," Salleh laughed.

In 1975, when he was just 26, Salleh and an accomplice decided to rob a Felda vehicle carrying a consignment of cash.

They were caught and because it was an armed robbery, they were sentenced to jail for the rest of their natural lives. A natural life sentence means the prisoner will never be released.

Unlike a life sentence where a prisoner gets a maximum 20 years, or 14 years with good behaviour, the only way a natural life convict can get out is through a royal pardon.

At the time he was released in 2006, at age 57, Salleh had spent almost five extra years in prison than he had lived as a free man.

He has to live up to the age of 62 before he evens out the time he spends in the outside with those he spent in the inside. He is now 60.

Salleh had no idea how the cost of living had increased in 31 years because he was in jail for so long.

"A cup of black coffee used to cost satu kupang (10 sen); but now it's lapan kupang (80 sen).

"It was such a big difference that I thought 'Is this real? Are the sellers trying to cheat me?'," Salleh said.

"It took him a while to get accustomed to living on the outside," said Wahab, who is 21 years Salleh's junior.

Wahab was only 5-years-old when his big brother was sent to jail.

"Before he went in, there were only one-lane roads. Now, there are multiple lanes and he doesn't know how to ride in the busy traffic.

"Sometimes he just stops in the middle of the road," said Wahab, who rode pillion with Salleh while he was learning how to ride a motorcycle.

"Prison is a part of his life that whenever we talked, it's common for him to start a sentence with 'In prison...'

"Even after three years, he still hasn't found his bearings. He's still out of time and feels misplaced," said Wahab.

"He's looking for an identity for himself; whether to continue living from his interrupted youth, or to be an old person; whether to be a good person, or the tearaway that he was when he was young.

"At the moment, he just layan hidup (takes each day as it comes)," said Wahab.

The brothers' lives revolve around waking up and going to the market. Their world is all within a one-kilometre radius of their home and they hardly wander out of it.

Therefore, Salleh's life outside isn't any more exciting than inside Taiping Prison.

But, he is a free man.

"While I was in prison, even though I watched television, I always imagined how life outside would be like in the '70s.

"But it's actually more challenging and difficult.

"I don't feel disappointed. I just have to learn to live in this era," said Salleh.

"My productive years were wasted in prison. If I hadn't done what I did, I wouldn't have spent almost 31 years in jail.

"Maybe I would have had children and become as successful as my friends.

"That is an alternate life I can never realise. And I just have to accept that," he said.

Morale of the story to me??We have to live our life,but in order to do so we will still need to have a list of Dos and Donts.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


It all started when,DUH i opened my eyes,only to found that it's already 1p.m..Yeah,yesterday night's tea session marathon with cousin brought effect to this.To find myself in this situation,no time wastage could be compromised so there i rush,to the WC,to the basin and to the food on the table.Then,something in reality struck me--Mid-terms,and i proceed to the notes,Organizational Behaviour.Only to be found,it's significantly hard for me to understand its alien accent.Hence,I figured only way to sort things out are by releasing stress and so I resorted to the front of my lappie,and there I spent,from noon till now.Having the same routine checked,again I found my life full of plans,to list out a few.

1.Escape trip after mid-term--Probably somewhere near K.L. as it'll be done in one day,looking at Kuala Selangor to see the shining creature(insert the name).So,nominees needed,probably 3 others to join me in this nice yet environmental close-up trip.

2.A new gadget to behold--Speaking of which,it's been quite a while I have no new gadgets to add in to my current collection.As a result,I'm up now,hunting for a new one to my family.Choices??Either N97,Xpertia X1,Xpertia X2,iPhone 3gs 16 gigs,iPod Touch 64gigs,Dell 10v Netbook.Gosh~~Help!!

3.A MountainBike Competition--Held by Malaccans,so might as well support and have fun lo.

As till the end of October,here are the 3 most important plans I need to get it done.Wish me luck eh.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Recent Me.

Yeah,I know.I haven't been putting pieces of me to this little space of mine for ages hence here I am.Reasons for that is I haven't find myself a peace in my mind to do so as my activities are packed(Yes,it sounds like I'm so happening..xD)from mid August till now.Having this particular post posted,something has changed,all for good I hope as I've made some crazy decisions that some of you might not even believe what you're seeing,but heck,you see what you see.

Here's the recap of my 'DID' in the past month.

Zoo trip on 18th August with high school friends.

Hot,hot,hot and hot.Animals are lazy as well on this account--sleeping.We paid rm7 to see them sleep,nice!!Anyway,it was a good outing as I guess most of us haven't been visiting the Zoo for ages.


Time zooms and there goes on some particular 24th day of August,few of friends decided to surprise a friend on her birthday,and she felt surprised,i guess!!!And she really bakes nice cakes.

Farewell,this is the last one in the year,finally!!(Oops,I said it)Haha.Some 20+ homosapiens from SMAI 06-08 attended and it was nice,especially the Karaoke part of it,God knows why.

Church Camp.

Right,this is my 1st church camp,and I never regret joining it.Loads of things to share and learn about and I'm one step closer,hopefully!!Having it placed in a wonderful place,I've somehow managed to tan myself to a darker person!!

Kuala Lumpur 2D-1N Trip.

5 of us,Me,Jay,Pok,Sarah and Esther went for this adventure,and it was a great one!!

Sunway Lagoon--Wet and Dry Park.Loads of breakthrough happened there and it was actually fun paying money to scare ourselves.And again,I got myself tanned darker again and I'm looking like a darker race of peeps already.

SkyTrex--Best activities we did!!Never thought that climbing trees and handing over our life to a little harness could bring us so many fun!!Flying fox-es,Obstacles crossings.NICE!!Again,paying money to get us frightened was fun!!

The start--Climb 4 storey high of ladder.Outcome??TIRING!!

Ain't it nice??

5 of Us!!

Next up,

1st Orientation,1st College class,2nd College Class.

SEGi,inputs inputs inputs....

On the very first day,I felt disappointed,with the orientation they threw for us,the school's admin. systems and stuffs like the compound,the facilities of the school.Hopes for me to study there went berserk-ly low,as it was under my expectation by Malaysia to USA far!!Then,I figured things might change the next day and...Yeah,at least it changed a little bit.Lecturers are good but still I'd expect it to be better,but just that I don't have faith having myself going head first with the school.

Then,wild thought about the course hit me straight in my head that gave me a hint that maybe the course and school don't really suits me well.And,discussions later,dropping out of the school is a must,and course to attend was still unsure.From Music to Laws,MBA to Arts later,found myself one particular interest--Travelling around the world,working with other nations.That,*ehem*leads to Logistic Managements.Having known that 3 years of my future will be dumped into this particular studies,I freaked out--Asking pros. around this field,cousins,parents and so on.Outcome--This is a great field for me and it meets my criteria what I want to do above,that means that I'd be fine taking up this course and having myself surviving from starvation in the next 2 or maybe 30 years.

What the heck!!I decided to call the shots and there I went--UCSI University,having hopes that I could enroll immediately and start the course,and some time later,I actually did it!!


Yeah,that's all for my studies stuff.

K.L Life,5 days in total.

I must thank my all time buddy,HuanWei for his generosity to let me stay at his place for the 4 nights.Having that said,also I must add I somehow twisted his life in a sense that keeping him awake until 2a.m..Reasons?We have figured out that we haven't been speaking for quite a long time,that we can't find ourselves shut up,even it has wayyy passed bedtime.

"不可以了,不要讲了,明天还要早起!!"This,has been something that we've said for like a trillion times,and after each and everytime we said it,we never failed to continue our conversation.Haha,thank god I still have my best friend with me all time.

p.s:HuanWei,don't cry when you see this,I know you will..xD

Living in K.L is a pain in the arse as everytime you will need to face the traffic congestion no matter what time it is.Imagine this,a short stretch of Federal Highway about 5 km took you 1 hour to go through it.Yes,I'm afraid to think about peoples with the need to answer nature's call stucked in the jams.How is he going to 'release'?Haha.

Over the pass 5 days in K.L,I've been playing around,from 1Utama,Ikea,The Curve,Sunway to Pavilion.End product,Big holes in my pocket and big bloated stomach.Hags and Daz,TGIF,Fish n Co,I have it all!!NICE!!But hopefully this is it,no more playing,toying around after I settle down.

Jack Daniel Beef Bacon CheeseBurger@TGIF

Fondue@Hags n Daz

That's about it,my life over the past month.

Monday, August 17, 2009

862 Miles up North.

After 3 days of travelling,I'm back at home.This time,Kuala Perlis and Penang Island are the places I visited.

Kuala Perlis

While most of you guys don't know where's Kuala Perlis,I snapped it down and hope this will bring some light to you.

Yup yup,this is where we board on the ferry and leave for Pulau Langkawi.

Getting there spent 10 hours for us,as we're convoying on an average 100kph only.The road from Melaka to K.L. and the earlier Upper North-South highway is alright but when it hit Simpang Pulai,it's scenic!Imagine you're going over the mountains and there're lots of curves on it,I'd reckon it's the best highway route I ever drove by up to date.

Here're some pics to share.

The Rocky Mountain.

The scenery.

The tunnel near Jelapang,Kedah.Once the longest tunnel in Malaysia,measuring 800 metres.

0000hr,we reached!A piece of advice for hardcore drivers that wish to drive long journey-Prepare RedBull,Livita kind of energy drinks,Sticks of chewing gums and some mints to blow up your mouth like Fisherman's Friend. 

It's a small town with a Jetty that commute tourists thru&fro Pulau Langkawi.Budget Inns and backpackers' lodges are also common here as tourist could have a good night rest before going to P. Langkawi.

Food here are cheap but not really up to standard.Among all,there's this shop that sells mix-vege rice that have 1 special species of fish in their menu--Sharks' curry.

Picture this,it cost just about rm2,to take away endanger species' life.How would you feel?*insert your answer here*.Right,actually hunting for sharks aren't actually what it seemed to be.Why?It's because the fisherman there uses a kind of net which has smaller gap in between to catch more sea creatures and for the fact that the size of sharks are bigger,they're easily trapped inside hence the availability of sharks cuisine.

Padi field.

After food and posing for cousin's grad. photos,we left,to the next stop.


The first thing that came to my mind is the food!As well as the status,Straits Settlement.From the two statements there,I set my goal--To have the greatest local cuisine and to tour the UNESCO certified city.

Getting from K.Perlis to Georgetown took us 2 hours,as the people carrier that ferries us isn't in a very good shape and is only capable of doing 120kph all the way.Nevertheless,we reached safely and went through the 'once upon the time longest bridge'-Penang Bridge and it cost us rm7 to use the bridge thru&fro.

Next stop,lodging.The place that hold us for the night.

Still,it's a crap hotel with lots and lots of dispute.

Having checked in into the hotel,we went checking out the places.

First stop-Bukit Bendera

It was built by the English on 1923 as they were seeking for a cool hideout place in a tropic and they found Bukit Bendera.Commuting to the hill top was made easy when they introduce the slanting cable car which uses man-power at first.

The roundabout.If you look closely,you could see the tracks on the rail in the middle of the hill.

ALERT!Train Ahead.

Who says only Subang got AC,Penang also got ma.

Next,Gurney Drive Hawker Center

Penang Fried Kuey Tiaw,Prawn Mee,Fried Oyster,Penang Rojak,Penang Laksa and etc.

Wondering what's the flag on top of the hawker's stall symbolize?

Ok,I don't know as well but my wild guess tells me that they're 'shield' by some of the gangs there.

Nightlife in Penang-Jalan Pinang,this is the place where lots of clubs and bars are located.On a typical Saturday night,people here are blasting their car stereos as well as going bonkers in clubs.

P/S:Clubs here are using per head basis as well,either you pay a cover charge of rm25(inclusive of one house pouring--drafts beer,vodka,gin and etc or soft drinks.)or hard liqour basis.

The Atmosphere.

The next morning.

Fort Cornwillis,the fort that Mr. Cornwillis built when he was at Penang.

Penang Cityhall.

Penang Townhall,just beside Cityhall.

Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion.

Typical Penang Beca.

Bla bla bla later,our energy level went low and we decided some local food could come into rescue,hence we move on to one of the must go kopitiam to have our simple yet delicious food.

The Location--Lebuh Keng Kwee.

The Shop--Just beside Jalan Pinang.

Penang Laksa.The soup's just fine,not too sour and the laksa's great.Certified good to eat by 'ho ciak' 8tv.

One of the best chendul of Penang.Just beside the foodstall.

Food later,for our home we left.Once again,I took up the challenge to be man behind the wheel.For driving just after lunch,Mr. Zhou tried his very best to get in touch with me,but I survived ignoring him.How??

iPod,Fisherman's Friend and Livita!!

The Scene.

Later that evening,having needs for our stomach,we stopped at Ipoh for the famous 'Nga Choi Gai'.

The crunchy bean sprout.

The Chicken.

The end came by,when after this particular meal,another 5 hours on the road.

Final Verdict--The upper North side of Malaysia is not really what I'd expected.Penang,has gone through some massive changes and the cost of living there isn't that high compared to Melaka itself and hands down it wins in terms of the preservations of their older aged buildings in comparison to Melaka.It's definately a place that worth your 2~3 days of stay.


Car from Melaka to Penang and vice versa--RM100 for toll,RM250 for fuel.(Based on a 2 litre sedan)

Food and Lodging-A budget hotel could cost around rm100~200 and with capability to accomodate 2~3 person,however a lodging hotel could cost lesser.Street foods will cost around rm7 per meal with drinks and snacks.
