Saturday, November 14, 2009

Aftermath case#1

It's been a while,since I got over with finals.To even start off,one particular sports activity took place before my last subject--MTB jumboree.

Before I go deeper,I shall explain what's MTB jumboree.Here you go,It's a Mountain Bike event where winning is defined by completion of the track of the route,which in this case it is 45 km.Yeah,it's kinda long but heck I enjoyed every centimeters of it.

Make things great,the community that entered the jumboree are very kind and helpful.To mark my words,some of the guys actually stopped to check on some guys that have problem beside the road to see they're ok with their bike or themselves,even they don't know who's who,now that's what MTB spirit's about.

Riding along the course myself,I learned something,something that have to do with UpHills and DownHills,or what people often say Peaks and Valleys.Often I encounter,after some difficult UpHills,some relaxing nice DownHills will be next or vice versa.Somehow,this reflects on the path we all take in our lives,whenever we strive through the difficult UpHills,sure the sweet DownHills of our lives will give us that little extra reward.And going DownHills ourselves,we must always be prepared,to face the difficulties that often leads to the next Uphills.

Nevertheless,I myself managed to complete the track,45km of it,3.5 hours later with a pair of exhausted legs,a dirty bike and a medal in hand.Priceless!!!

The track!!!

The 2 trail-babies on the task.

The crowd,800+ dudes in it!!!

3.5 hours later,dirty Lil' Banana.

Dirty shoes,dirty bike.

What's it worth,a medal and a dirty bike.

Oh ya,to end up this post,I end up in the race in 327th place.XD

1 comment:

ann said...

cool man~~~